Service Locations

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Subscription Fees

The 24hrs Emergency Rescue annual roadside assistance subscriptions fees are listed below:

Lagos Metropolis
Abuja Metropolis

Hurry now and never get stranded while you are driving on the road again.

ENJOY FREEDOM with Rescue and Recovery

Company / Organisation / Group
Place of Work:
Vehicle Make/Model:
Date of Manufacture:
Mode of Payment:
Please specify the appropriate answer for the following questions below. Options includes (Yes/No/Numbers)
Can you drive at night without using full beam lights:
Would you like to go for a free eye test:
How many vehicles would you like to register:
GSM Phone Numbers:
I wish to affirm that all the information given here are true and accurate. I agree to all the services being offered by ARC Nigeria and the cost of any other request outside the services being offered will be borne by me.
Additional Info: